apiVersion: v1 entries: solr: - annotations: artifacthub.io/changes: | - kind: fixed description: Fixed Helm chart value "zk.externalAddress" links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/379 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/380 - kind: fixed description: Fixed Helm chart value "addressability.external.additionalDomains", will be renamed to "additionalDomainNames" in v0.6.0 links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/412 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/415 artifacthub.io/containsSecurityUpdates: "false" artifacthub.io/images: | - name: solr image: solr:8.9 whitelisted: true artifacthub.io/links: | - name: "Solr Source" url: https://github.com/apache/solr - name: "Helm Chart Source" url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator - name: "Solr Documentation" url: https://solr.apache.org/guide/ - name: "Solr on Kube Tutorials" url: https://solr.apache.org/operator/resources#tutorials artifacthub.io/operator: "false" artifacthub.io/prerelease: "false" artifacthub.io/recommendations: | - url: https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/apache-solr/solr-operator artifacthub.io/signKey: | fingerprint: 50E3EE1C91C7E0CB4DFB007B369424FC98F3F6EC url: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/solr/KEYS apiVersion: v2 appVersion: 8.9.0 created: "2022-03-14T13:18:35.500063-04:00" description: A SolrCloud cluser running on Kubernetes via the Solr Operator digest: 6b9a1dc0358cfbcf32152670d21fa8f85d5db78e64c2290b81e6574d344e64f5 home: https://solr.apache.org icon: https://solr.apache.org/theme/images/identity/Solr_Logo_on_white.png keywords: - solr - apache - search - lucene kubeVersion: '>= 1.19.0-0' maintainers: - email: dev@solr.apache.org name: Solr Dev Community - email: houston@apache.org name: Houston Putman name: solr sources: - https://github.com/apache/solr - https://github.com/apache/solr-operator urls: - solr-0.5.1.tgz version: 0.5.1 - annotations: artifacthub.io/changes: | - kind: changed description: The minimum supported version for Kubernetes is now v1.19. links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/277 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/321 - kind: deprecated description: The legacy backup options (dataStorage.backupRestoreOptions) have been deprecated. Please use backupRepositories instead. links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/301 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/302 - name: Backup Documentation url: https://apache.github.io/solr-operator/docs/solr-backup/ artifacthub.io/containsSecurityUpdates: "false" artifacthub.io/images: | - name: solr image: solr:8.9 whitelisted: true artifacthub.io/links: | - name: "Solr Source" url: https://github.com/apache/solr - name: "Helm Chart Source" url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator - name: "Solr Documentation" url: https://solr.apache.org/guide/ - name: "Solr on Kube Tutorials" url: https://solr.apache.org/operator/resources#tutorials artifacthub.io/operator: "false" artifacthub.io/prerelease: "false" artifacthub.io/recommendations: | - url: https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/apache-solr/solr-operator artifacthub.io/signKey: | fingerprint: 50E3EE1C91C7E0CB4DFB007B369424FC98F3F6EC url: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/solr/KEYS apiVersion: v2 appVersion: 8.9.0 created: "2021-11-16T17:45:58.964581-05:00" description: A SolrCloud cluser running on Kubernetes via the Solr Operator digest: 821bf7f056ba46c44959e0e4024c539ae1cfd4a38cb55b80d113f785b2d87d9b home: https://solr.apache.org icon: https://solr.apache.org/theme/images/identity/Solr_Logo_on_white.png keywords: - solr - apache - search - lucene kubeVersion: '>= 1.19.0-0' maintainers: - email: dev@solr.apache.org name: Solr Dev Community - email: houston@apache.org name: Houston Putman name: solr sources: - https://github.com/apache/solr - https://github.com/apache/solr-operator urls: - solr-0.5.0.tgz version: 0.5.0 - annotations: artifacthub.io/changes: | - kind: added description: Official Solr Helm chart created. Works with the Solr Operator. links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/112 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/276 - kind: changed description: Default Solr Version upgraded to 8.9, does not affect existing clouds links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/285 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/287 - kind: added description: Ability to create serviceAccount for SolrCloud deployment through Helm chart. links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/264 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/283 artifacthub.io/containsSecurityUpdates: "false" artifacthub.io/images: | - name: solr image: solr:8.9 whitelisted: true artifacthub.io/links: | - name: "Solr Source" url: https://github.com/apache/solr - name: "Helm Chart Source" url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator - name: "Solr Documentation" url: https://solr.apache.org/guide/ - name: "Solr on Kube Tutorials" url: https://solr.apache.org/operator/resources#tutorials artifacthub.io/operator: "false" artifacthub.io/prerelease: "false" artifacthub.io/recommendations: | - url: https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/apache-solr/solr-operator artifacthub.io/signKey: | fingerprint: 50E3EE1C91C7E0CB4DFB007B369424FC98F3F6EC url: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/solr/KEYS apiVersion: v2 appVersion: 8.9.0 created: "2021-09-13T12:49:36.724795-04:00" description: A SolrCloud cluser running on Kubernetes via the Solr Operator digest: b004e8abcc6d30139d0d59b966a8c47d6cae42585c6d735c49ce7eaed76590c3 home: https://solr.apache.org icon: https://solr.apache.org/theme/images/identity/Solr_Logo_on_white.png keywords: - solr - apache - search - lucene kubeVersion: '>= 1.16.0-0' maintainers: - email: dev@solr.apache.org name: Solr Dev Community - email: houston@apache.org name: Houston Putman name: solr sources: - https://github.com/apache/solr - https://github.com/apache/solr-operator urls: - solr-0.4.0.tgz version: 0.4.0 solr-operator: - annotations: artifacthub.io/changes: | - kind: fixed description: Solr Operator helm chart now sets runAsNonRoot only on the solr operator container. Sidecars can run as root. links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/389 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/395 - kind: fixed description: Correctly check whether resource limits & requests have changed when updating children objects links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/393 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/398 - kind: security description: Upgrade inherited dependencies to mitigate security vulnerabilities links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/405 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/406 - kind: changed description: Upgrade GoLang version to 1.17 links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/407 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/408 artifacthub.io/containsSecurityUpdates: "true" artifacthub.io/crds: | - kind: SolrCloud version: v1beta1 name: solrcloud.solr.apache.org displayName: Solr Cloud description: A distributed Solr Cloud cluster - kind: SolrPrometheusExporter version: v1beta1 name: solrprometheusexporter.solr.apache.org displayName: Solr Prometheus Exporter description: A Prometheus metrics exporter for Solr - kind: SolrBackup version: v1beta1 name: solrbackup.solr.apache.org displayName: Solr Backup description: A backup mechanism for Solr artifacthub.io/crdsExamples: | - apiVersion: solr.apache.org/v1beta1 kind: SolrCloud metadata: name: example spec: dataStorage: persistent: reclaimPolicy: Delete pvcTemplate: spec: resources: requests: storage: "20Gi" replicas: 3 solrImage: tag: 8.7.0 solrJavaMem: "-Xms4g -Xmx4g" customSolrKubeOptions: podOptions: resources: requests: memory: "6G" zookeeperRef: provided: replicas: 3 solrOpts: "-Dsolr.autoSoftCommit.maxTime=10000" solrGCTune: "-XX:SurvivorRatio=4 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=8" backupRepositories: - name: default-gcs gcs: bucket: solr-gcs-backups gcsCredentialSecret: # Required name: gcs-credentials key: "service-account-key.json" baseLocation: "/solrcloud/backups" - name: default-s3 s3: region: us-west-2 bucket: solr-s3-backups credentials: accessKeyIdSecret: # Optional name: aws-secrets key: access-key-id secretAccessKeySecret: # Optional name: aws-secrets key: secret-access-key - apiVersion: solr.apache.org/v1beta1 kind: SolrPrometheusExporter metadata: name: example spec: solrReference: cloud: name: "example" numThreads: 4 image: tag: 8.7.0 - apiVersion: solr.apache.org/v1beta1 kind: SolrPrometheusExporter metadata: name: example spec: solrReference: cloud: name: "example" numThreads: 4 image: tag: 8.7.0 - apiVersion: solr.apache.org/v1beta1 kind: SolrBackup metadata: name: example spec: repositoryName: solr-gcs-backups solrCloud: example collections: - techproducts - books location: "/this/location" artifacthub.io/images: | - name: solr-operator image: apache/solr-operator:v0.5.1 artifacthub.io/links: | - name: "Tutorials" url: https://solr.apache.org/operator/resources#tutorials artifacthub.io/operator: "true" artifacthub.io/operatorCapabilities: Full Lifecycle artifacthub.io/prerelease: "false" artifacthub.io/recommendations: | - url: https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/apache-solr/solr artifacthub.io/signKey: | fingerprint: 50E3EE1C91C7E0CB4DFB007B369424FC98F3F6EC url: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/solr/KEYS apiVersion: v2 appVersion: v0.5.1 created: "2022-03-14T13:18:35.507181-04:00" dependencies: - condition: zookeeper-operator.install name: zookeeper-operator repository: https://charts.pravega.io version: 0.2.12 description: The Solr Operator enables easy management of Solr resources within Kubernetes. digest: a93a330f710f07359063345c2e3a8e0c1a8c8c300540201e337417bef3ef0ddf home: https://solr.apache.org/operator icon: https://solr.apache.org/theme/images/identity/Solr_Logo_on_white.png keywords: - solr - apache - search - lucene - operator kubeVersion: '>= 1.19.0-0' maintainers: - email: dev@solr.apache.org name: Solr Dev Community - email: houston@apache.org name: Houston Putman name: solr-operator sources: - https://github.com/apache/solr-operator urls: - solr-operator-0.5.1.tgz version: 0.5.1 - annotations: artifacthub.io/changes: | - kind: changed description: The minimum supported version for Kubernetes is now v1.19. The Solr Operator is no longer using deprecated APIs, such as networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 for Ingresses. links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/277 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/321 - kind: changed description: The Solr Operator has upgraded its Kubebuilder dependency to v3. links: - name: Bug Report Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/320 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/321 - kind: fixed description: The SolrPrometheusExporter controller now watches for changes in referenced Solr Clouds, so the referenced ZKConnectionString is updated if it changes within the SolrCloud status. links: - name: Bug Report Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/325 - name: Github PR (Large and almost entirely unrelated) url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/321 - kind: deprecated description: The legacy backup options (SolrCloud.spec.dataStorage.backupRestoreOptions) have been deprecated. Please use SolrCloud.spec.backupRepositories instead. links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/301 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/302 - name: Backup Documentation url: https://apache.github.io/solr-operator/docs/solr-backup/ - kind: added description: Introduced the ability to use GCS Backup Repositories with SolrCloud and SolrBackup. links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/301 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/302 - name: Backup Documentation url: https://apache.github.io/solr-operator/docs/solr-backup#gcs-backup-repositories - kind: added description: Introduced the ability to use S3 Backup Repositories with SolrCloud and SolrBackup. links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/328 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/345 - name: Solr S3 Repository Documentation url: https://solr.apache.org/guide/8_10/making-and-restoring-backups.html#s3backuprepository - name: Backup Documentation url: https://apache.github.io/solr-operator/docs/solr-backup#s3-backup-repositories - kind: added description: Customize the Lifecycle for Solr and PrometheusExporter containers links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/322 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/324 - kind: added description: Add support for using Solr Modules (contrib) and additional libraries links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/329 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/332 - name: Solr Modules url: https://github.com/apache/solr/tree/main/solr/contrib - kind: added description: SolrBackups can now have a custom location specified to store the backup links: - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/345 - kind: fixed description: Fix for managed restarts across connected SolrCloud resources. links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/348 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/349 - kind: added description: Ability to use topologySpreadConstraints for SolrCloud and SolrPrometheusExporter links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/53 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/350 - name: Topology Spread Constraints Documentation url: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-topology-spread-constraints/ - kind: added description: Ability to bootstrap security configuration from a security.json in a user-supplied secret links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/355 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/356 - kind: added description: Export default Solr Operator metrics, and enable when using the Helm chart links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/307 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/360 - kind: added description: Ability to set the IngressClassName for v1 Ingress resources. links: - name: Github Issue (Ingress v1) url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/277 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/363 - kind: removed description: Removed "persistence" option for SolrBackups. Instead please use the S3 or GCP Backup Repositories (Solr 8.9+) links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/347 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/357 - kind: added description: Support for more Zookeeper Pod customization options links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/352 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/361 - kind: added description: Separate SolrCloud backup ready status by backup repository links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/326 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/358 - kind: added description: Scheduled/Recurring SolrBackup support links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/303 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/359 - name: SolrBackup Documentation url: https://apache.github.io/solr-operator/docs/solr-backup#recurring-backups - kind: changed description: Solr Operator Leader Election enabled by default links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/366 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/367 artifacthub.io/containsSecurityUpdates: "false" artifacthub.io/crds: | - kind: SolrCloud version: v1beta1 name: solrcloud.solr.apache.org displayName: Solr Cloud description: A distributed Solr Cloud cluster - kind: SolrPrometheusExporter version: v1beta1 name: solrprometheusexporter.solr.apache.org displayName: Solr Prometheus Exporter description: A Prometheus metrics exporter for Solr - kind: SolrBackup version: v1beta1 name: solrbackup.solr.apache.org displayName: Solr Backup description: A backup mechanism for Solr artifacthub.io/crdsExamples: | - apiVersion: solr.apache.org/v1beta1 kind: SolrCloud metadata: name: example spec: dataStorage: persistent: reclaimPolicy: Delete pvcTemplate: spec: resources: requests: storage: "20Gi" replicas: 3 solrImage: tag: 8.7.0 solrJavaMem: "-Xms4g -Xmx4g" customSolrKubeOptions: podOptions: resources: requests: memory: "6G" zookeeperRef: provided: replicas: 3 solrOpts: "-Dsolr.autoSoftCommit.maxTime=10000" solrGCTune: "-XX:SurvivorRatio=4 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=8" backupRepositories: - name: default-gcs gcs: bucket: solr-gcs-backups gcsCredentialSecret: # Required name: gcs-credentials key: "service-account-key.json" baseLocation: "/solrcloud/backups" - name: default-s3 s3: region: us-west-2 bucket: solr-s3-backups credentials: accessKeyIdSecret: # Optional name: aws-secrets key: access-key-id secretAccessKeySecret: # Optional name: aws-secrets key: secret-access-key - apiVersion: solr.apache.org/v1beta1 kind: SolrPrometheusExporter metadata: name: example spec: solrReference: cloud: name: "example" numThreads: 4 image: tag: 8.7.0 - apiVersion: solr.apache.org/v1beta1 kind: SolrPrometheusExporter metadata: name: example spec: solrReference: cloud: name: "example" numThreads: 4 image: tag: 8.7.0 - apiVersion: solr.apache.org/v1beta1 kind: SolrBackup metadata: name: example spec: repositoryName: solr-gcs-backups solrCloud: example collections: - techproducts - books location: "/this/location" artifacthub.io/images: | - name: solr-operator image: apache/solr-operator:v0.5.0 artifacthub.io/links: | - name: "Tutorials" url: https://solr.apache.org/operator/resources#tutorials artifacthub.io/operator: "true" artifacthub.io/operatorCapabilities: Full Lifecycle artifacthub.io/prerelease: "false" artifacthub.io/recommendations: | - url: https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/apache-solr/solr artifacthub.io/signKey: | fingerprint: 50E3EE1C91C7E0CB4DFB007B369424FC98F3F6EC url: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/solr/KEYS apiVersion: v2 appVersion: v0.5.0 created: "2021-11-16T17:45:58.973569-05:00" dependencies: - condition: zookeeper-operator.install name: zookeeper-operator repository: https://charts.pravega.io version: 0.2.12 description: The Solr Operator enables easy management of Solr resources within Kubernetes. digest: 5ceeea0ba48f280cf25a92d63fe5d06e298640e683f4d8fea647fabc045d9a2c home: https://solr.apache.org/operator icon: https://solr.apache.org/theme/images/identity/Solr_Logo_on_white.png keywords: - solr - apache - search - lucene - operator kubeVersion: '>= 1.19.0-0' maintainers: - email: dev@solr.apache.org name: Solr Dev Community - email: houston@apache.org name: Houston Putman name: solr-operator sources: - https://github.com/apache/solr-operator urls: - solr-operator-0.5.0.tgz version: 0.5.0 - annotations: artifacthub.io/changes: | - kind: changed description: Zookeeper Operator supported version changed to v0.2.12 links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/271 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/304 - name: Zookeeper Operator Release Notes url: https://github.com/pravega/zookeeper-operator/releases/tag/v0.2.12 - kind: added description: Ability to schedule automatic restarts for SolrClouds links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/281 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/279 - kind: added description: Ability to use HostPath volumes for ephemeral Solr storage links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/266 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/265 - kind: removed description: "Removed deprecated Solr Operator Helm chart option `useZkOperator`, use `zookeeper-operator.use` instead" links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/286 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/288 - name: Deprecating Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/231 - kind: changed description: Default Solr Version upgraded to 8.9, does not affect existing clouds links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/285 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/287 - kind: added description: Customize serviceAccountName for SolrCloud and SolrPrometheusExporter links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/264 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/283 - kind: added description: Introduced ephemeral option for Zookeeper storage links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/259 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/284 - kind: security description: Changed Solr Operator base Docker image to reduce vulnerabilities. links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/294 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/295 - kind: added description: Ability to customize probes for PrometheusExporter links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/282 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/297 - kind: security description: Remove users role from the all permission in the initial security.json links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/274 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/299 - kind: fixed description: Grant access to the /admin/zookeeper/status path to the k8s role in the initial security.json links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/289 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/299 - kind: security description: Add a mountedServerTLSDir config option to support a unique certificate per pod mounted dynamically by an external agent or CSI driver links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/291 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/292 - kind: added description: Ability to terminate TLS at Ingress for SolrCloud. links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/268 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/293 - kind: added description: Ability to schedule automatic restarts for SolrPrometheusExporters links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/310 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/313 - kind: added description: Ability to specify ZK Config properties for provided Zookeeper Clusters. links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/290 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/311 - kind: added description: Option to watch for updates to the mTLS client certificate used by the operator to call Solr pods. links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/317 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/318 - kind: added description: Configuration options to support an additional client TLS cert in addition to the server certificate links: - name: Github Issue url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/issues/300 - name: Github PR url: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator/pull/312 artifacthub.io/crds: | - kind: SolrCloud version: v1beta1 name: solrcloud.solr.apache.org displayName: Solr Cloud description: A distributed Solr Cloud cluster - kind: SolrPrometheusExporter version: v1beta1 name: solrprometheusexporter.solr.apache.org displayName: Solr Prometheus Exporter description: A Prometheus metrics exporter for Solr - kind: SolrBackup version: v1beta1 name: solrbackup.solr.apache.org displayName: Solr Backup description: A backup mechanism for Solr artifacthub.io/crdsExamples: | - apiVersion: solr.apache.org/v1beta1 kind: SolrCloud metadata: name: example spec: dataStorage: persistent: reclaimPolicy: Delete pvcTemplate: spec: resources: requests: storage: "20Gi" replicas: 3 solrImage: tag: 8.7.0 solrJavaMem: "-Xms4g -Xmx4g" customSolrKubeOptions: podOptions: resources: requests: memory: "6G" zookeeperRef: provided: replicas: 3 solrOpts: "-Dsolr.autoSoftCommit.maxTime=10000" solrGCTune: "-XX:SurvivorRatio=4 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=8" - apiVersion: solr.apache.org/v1beta1 kind: SolrPrometheusExporter metadata: name: example spec: solrReference: cloud: name: "example" numThreads: 4 image: tag: 8.7.0 artifacthub.io/images: | - name: solr-operator image: apache/solr-operator:v0.4.0 artifacthub.io/links: | - name: "Tutorials" url: https://solr.apache.org/operator/resources#tutorials artifacthub.io/operator: "true" artifacthub.io/operatorCapabilities: Seamless Upgrades artifacthub.io/prerelease: "false" artifacthub.io/recommendations: | - url: https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/apache-solr/solr artifacthub.io/signKey: | fingerprint: 50E3EE1C91C7E0CB4DFB007B369424FC98F3F6EC url: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/solr/KEYS apiVersion: v2 appVersion: v0.4.0 created: "2021-09-13T09:09:04.673575-04:00" dependencies: - condition: zookeeper-operator.install name: zookeeper-operator repository: https://charts.pravega.io version: 0.2.12 description: The Solr Operator enables easy management of Solr resources within Kubernetes. digest: 3d0a5236a0f578b34bfa8aa5de066cc7dedcdbb153ff325d8b5d815c53cb4cbf home: https://solr.apache.org/operator icon: https://solr.apache.org/theme/images/identity/Solr_Logo_on_white.png keywords: - solr - apache - search - lucene - operator kubeVersion: '>= 1.16.0-0' maintainers: - email: dev@solr.apache.org name: Solr Dev Community - email: houston@apache.org name: Houston Putman name: solr-operator sources: - https://github.com/apache/solr-operator urls: - solr-operator-0.4.0.tgz version: 0.4.0 - annotations: artifacthub.io/changes: | - The Solr Operator is now an Apache project managed by the Apache Solr PMC - The Solr CRDs now use the solr.apache.org API group instead of solr.bloomberg.com - The Solr Operator now fully supports running Solr in a secure and locked down way - Basic Auth support is now built in when requested in the SolrCloud CRD - Solr can be run with TLS, with optional mTLS if provided to the operator - More helm chart options are provided to customize running the Solr Operator - The Zookeeper Operator is now up-to-date with the most recent release, v0.2.9 - The Zookeeper Operator can now be installed as a helm-chart dependency with the Solr Operator - Users can now provide custom Solr log4j.xml and Prometheus Exporter config xml configMaps - Fix bug in custom probes for Solr pods - Solr pod shutdown is more graceful, has better coordination between Kubernetes and Solr - SolrCloud can now be used with the Kubernetes HPA to autoscale Solr Cloud pods artifacthub.io/crds: | - kind: SolrCloud version: v1beta1 name: solrcloud.solr.apache.org displayName: Solr Cloud description: A distributed Solr Cloud cluster - kind: SolrPrometheusExporter version: v1beta1 name: solrprometheusexporter.solr.apache.org displayName: Solr Prometheus Exporter description: A Prometheus metrics exporter for Solr - kind: SolrBackup version: v1beta1 name: solrbackup.solr.apache.org displayName: Solr Backup description: A backup mechanism for Solr artifacthub.io/crdsExamples: | - apiVersion: solr.apache.org/v1beta1 kind: SolrCloud metadata: name: example spec: dataStorage: persistent: reclaimPolicy: Delete pvcTemplate: spec: resources: requests: storage: "20Gi" replicas: 3 solrImage: tag: 8.7.0 solrJavaMem: "-Xms4g -Xmx4g" customSolrKubeOptions: podOptions: resources: requests: memory: "6G" zookeeperRef: provided: replicas: 3 solrOpts: "-Dsolr.autoSoftCommit.maxTime=10000" solrGCTune: "-XX:SurvivorRatio=4 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=8" - apiVersion: solr.apache.org/v1beta1 kind: SolrPrometheusExporter metadata: name: example spec: solrReference: cloud: name: "example" numThreads: 4 image: tag: 8.7.0 artifacthub.io/images: | - name: solr-operator image: apache/solr-operator:v0.3.0 artifacthub.io/operator: "true" artifacthub.io/operatorCapabilities: Seamless Upgrades artifacthub.io/prerelease: "false" apiVersion: v2 appVersion: v0.3.0 created: "2021-04-29T13:39:05.588431-05:00" dependencies: - condition: zookeeper-operator.install name: zookeeper-operator repository: https://charts.pravega.io version: 0.2.9 description: The Solr Operator enables easy management of Solr resources within Kubernetes. digest: b62a5c33189789a07c59e59c5d4f3072c8c7367c91b8e977e4eb68af9bb16b28 home: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator icon: https://solr.apache.org/theme/images/identity/Solr_Logo_on_white.png keywords: - solr - apache - search - lucene - operator kubeVersion: '>= 1.16.0-0' maintainers: - email: dev@solr.apache.org name: Solr Dev Community - email: houston@apache.org name: Houston Putman name: solr-operator sources: - https://github.com/apache/solr-operator urls: - solr-operator-0.3.0.tgz version: 0.3.0 - annotations: artifacthub.io/changes: |- - This will be the last release of the Bloomberg Solr Operator. All new versions will be release from the Apache organization. - Fixing upgrade issue with new Status fields artifacthub.io/crds: | - kind: SolrCloud version: v1beta1 name: solrcloud.solr.bloomberg.com displayName: Solr Cloud description: A distributed Solr Cloud cluster - kind: SolrPrometheusExporter version: v1beta1 name: solrprometheusexporter.solr.bloomberg.com displayName: Solr Prometheus Exporter description: A Prometheus metrics exporter for Solr - kind: SolrBackup version: v1beta1 name: solrbackup.solr.bloomberg.com displayName: Solr Backup description: A backup mechanism for Solr artifacthub.io/crdsExamples: | - apiVersion: solr.bloomberg.com/v1beta1 kind: SolrCloud metadata: name: example spec: dataStorage: persistent: reclaimPolicy: Delete pvcTemplate: spec: resources: requests: storage: "20Gi" replicas: 3 solrImage: tag: 8.7.0 solrJavaMem: "-Xms4g -Xmx4g" customSolrKubeOptions: podOptions: resources: requests: memory: "6G" zookeeperRef: provided: replicas: 3 solrOpts: "-Dsolr.autoSoftCommit.maxTime=10000" solrGCTune: "-XX:SurvivorRatio=4 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=8" - apiVersion: solr.bloomberg.com/v1beta1 kind: SolrPrometheusExporter metadata: name: example spec: solrReference: cloud: name: "example" numThreads: 4 image: tag: 8.7.0 artifacthub.io/images: | - name: solr-operator image: bloomberg/solr-operator:v0.2.8 artifacthub.io/operator: "true" artifacthub.io/operatorCapabilities: Seamless Upgrades artifacthub.io/prerelease: "false" apiVersion: v1 appVersion: v0.2.8 created: "2021-01-11T15:21:23.033109-05:00" description: The Solr Operator enables easy management of Solr resources within Kubernetes. digest: 27fcb78a7cf8e76cec6fb99b1aef02224fa25485425266f4e5be20f9b6d04801 home: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator icon: https://solr.apache.org/theme/images/identity/Solr_Logo_on_white.png keywords: - solr - apache - search - lucene - operator kubeVersion: '>= 1.16.0-0' maintainers: - email: dev@solr.apache.org name: Solr Dev Community - email: houston@apache.org name: Houston Putman name: solr-operator sources: - https://github.com/apache/solr-operator urls: - solr-operator-0.2.8.tgz version: 0.2.8 - annotations: artifacthub.io/changes: | - | Kubernetes 1.16+ is required for for this release of the Solr Operator. Please continue using v0.2.6 until you are able to upgrade your Kubernetes cluster. - Removed support for etcd/zetcd deployments. - Deprecations (All deprecations will be removed in v0.3.0) - | The section for a Zookeeper cluster Spec "SolrCloud.spec.zookeeperRef.provided.zookeeper" has been DEPRECATED. The same fields (except for the deprecated persistentVolumeClaimSpec option) are now available under "SolrCloud.spec.zookeeperRef.provided". - Data Storage options have been expanded, and moved from their old locations. - | "SolrCloud.spec.dataPvcSpec" has been DEPRECATED. Please instead use the following instead: "SolrCloud.spec.dataStorage.persistent.pvcTemplate.spec" - | "SolrCloud.spec.backupRestoreVolume" has been DEPRECATED. Please instead use the following instead: "SolrCloud.spec.dataStorage.backupRestoreOptions.Volume" - The SolrCloud and SolrPrometheusExporter services' portNames have changed to "solr-client" and "solr-metrics" from "ext-solr-client" and "ext-solr-metrics", respectivelyi. - | The default PodManagementPolicy for StatefulSets has been changed to Parallel from OrderedReady. This change will not affect existing StatefulSets, as PodManagementPolicy cannot be updated. In order to continue using OrderedReady on new SolrClouds, please use the following setting: "SolrCloud.spec.customSolrKubeOptions.statefulSetOptions.podManagementPolicy" - The location of backup-restore volume mounts in Solr containers has changed from "/var/solr/solr-backup-restore" to "/var/solr/data/backup-restore". - Introduced a managed SolrCloud update strategy - Added PriorityClassName in podOptions - Added option to provide ZK ACLs - Added dataStorage options for SolrCloud - PVC reclaim policy & Ephemeral Volume spec for non-persistent storage - Ability to provide custom solr.xml for SolrCloud - Ability to specify sidecar container and additional initContainers - Gracefully shutdown Solr nodes using the Solr stop port - Adding scope=Namespaced to all CRDs - Move chroot creation logic to pod postStart and out of operator - Change default SolrCloud podManagementPolicy to Parallel from OrderedReady - ZKConnectionString now uses all ZK hosts with Provided ZK - Fix service port name and status URL bugs - Fix never-ending reconcile loop for ZKs - Fix never-ending reconcile loop for ingresses in Kube 1.18+ - SolrBackup now works with Solr 8.6+ - Fixed an issue with volume permissions in the read-write-many volume for Backups - Remove default imagePullPolicy for pods - Upgraded CRD versions to v1, from v1beta1 artifacthub.io/crds: | - kind: SolrCloud version: v1beta1 name: solrcloud.solr.bloomberg.com displayName: Solr Cloud description: A distributed Solr Cloud cluster - kind: SolrPrometheusExporter version: v1beta1 name: solrprometheusexporter.solr.bloomberg.com displayName: Solr Prometheus Exporter description: A Prometheus metrics exporter for Solr - kind: SolrBackup version: v1beta1 name: solrbackup.solr.bloomberg.com displayName: Solr Backup description: A backup mechanism for Solr artifacthub.io/crdsExamples: | - apiVersion: solr.bloomberg.com/v1beta1 kind: SolrCloud metadata: name: example spec: dataStorage: persistent: reclaimPolicy: Delete pvcTemplate: spec: resources: requests: storage: "20Gi" replicas: 3 solrImage: tag: 8.7.0 solrJavaMem: "-Xms4g -Xmx4g" customSolrKubeOptions: podOptions: resources: requests: memory: "6G" zookeeperRef: provided: replicas: 3 solrOpts: "-Dsolr.autoSoftCommit.maxTime=10000" solrGCTune: "-XX:SurvivorRatio=4 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=8" - apiVersion: solr.bloomberg.com/v1beta1 kind: SolrPrometheusExporter metadata: name: example spec: solrReference: cloud: name: "example" numThreads: 4 image: tag: 8.7.0 artifacthub.io/images: | - name: solr-operator image: bloomberg/solr-operator:v0.2.7 artifacthub.io/operator: "true" artifacthub.io/operatorCapabilities: Seamless Upgrades artifacthub.io/prerelease: "false" apiVersion: v1 appVersion: v0.2.7 created: "2021-01-11T15:21:23.033109-05:00" description: The Solr Operator enables easy management of Solr resources within Kubernetes. digest: 93219551374cbda16be911aed57b86e208072304bafce023fabef39e35e677b1 home: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator icon: https://solr.apache.org/theme/images/identity/Solr_Logo_on_white.png keywords: - solr - apache - search - lucene - operator kubeVersion: '>= 1.13.0-0' maintainers: - email: dev@solr.apache.org name: Solr Dev Community - email: houston@apache.org name: Houston Putman name: solr-operator sources: - https://github.com/apache/solr-operator urls: - solr-operator-0.2.7.tgz version: 0.2.7 - annotations: artifacthub.io/changes: | - Helm chart fixes and improvements - Adding namespace functionality to operator and helm chart - Adding custom addressability options to solrcloud - Adding configurable liveness, readiness, startup checks - Documentation improvements artifacthub.io/crds: | - kind: SolrCloud version: v1beta1 name: solrcloud.solr.bloomberg.com displayName: Solr Cloud description: A distributed Solr Cloud cluster - kind: SolrPrometheusExporter version: v1beta1 name: solrprometheusexporter.solr.bloomberg.com displayName: Solr Prometheus Exporter description: A Prometheus metrics exporter for Solr - kind: SolrBackup version: v1beta1 name: solrbackup.solr.bloomberg.com displayName: Solr Backup description: A backup mechanism for Solr artifacthub.io/crdsExamples: | - apiVersion: solr.bloomberg.com/v1beta1 kind: SolrCloud metadata: name: example spec: replicas: 3 solrImage: tag: 8.7.0 solrJavaMem: "-Xms4g -Xmx4g" customSolrKubeOptions: podOptions: resources: requests: memory: "6G" solrOpts: "-Dsolr.autoSoftCommit.maxTime=10000" solrGCTune: "-XX:SurvivorRatio=4 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=8" - apiVersion: solr.bloomberg.com/v1beta1 kind: SolrPrometheusExporter metadata: name: example spec: solrReference: cloud: name: "example" numThreads: 4 image: tag: 8.7.0 artifacthub.io/images: | - name: solr-operator image: bloomberg/solr-operator:v0.2.6 artifacthub.io/operator: "true" artifacthub.io/operatorCapabilities: Basic Install artifacthub.io/prerelease: "false" apiVersion: v1 appVersion: v0.2.6 created: "2020-08-10T15:25:32.770735-04:00" description: The Solr Operator enables easy management of Solr resources within Kubernetes. digest: 7c9650262509f1069c74738f4fd9dce4b3eec5198dedf8e710ccb54308756370 home: https://github.com/apache/solr-operator icon: https://solr.apache.org/theme/images/identity/Solr_Logo_on_white.png keywords: - solr - apache - search - lucene - operator kubeVersion: '>= 1.13.0-0' maintainers: - email: dev@solr.apache.org name: Solr Dev Community - email: houston@apache.org name: Houston Putman - email: bsankaranara@bloomberg.net name: Balaji Sankaranarayanan name: solr-operator sources: - https://github.com/apache/solr-operator urls: - solr-operator-0.2.6.tgz version: 0.2.6 generated: "2022-03-14T13:18:35.498734-04:00"