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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.commons.statistics.inference;

import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.commons.numbers.combinatorics.Factorial;
import org.apache.commons.numbers.combinatorics.LogFactorial;
import org.apache.commons.numbers.core.DD;
import org.apache.commons.numbers.core.DDMath;
import org.apache.commons.numbers.core.Sum;
import org.apache.commons.statistics.inference.SquareMatrixSupport.RealSquareMatrix;

 * Computes the complementary probability for the one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution.
 * @since 1.1
final class KolmogorovSmirnovDistribution {
    /** pi^2. */
    private static final double PI2 = 9.8696044010893586188344909;
    /** sqrt(2*pi). */
    private static final double ROOT_TWO_PI = 2.5066282746310005024157652;
    /** Value of x when the KS sum is 0.5. */
    private static final double X_KS_HALF = 0.8275735551899077;
    /** Value of x when the KS sum is 1.0. */
    private static final double X_KS_ONE = 0.1754243674345323;
    /** Machine epsilon, 2^-52. */
    private static final double EPS = 0x1.0p-52;

    /** No instances. */
    private KolmogorovSmirnovDistribution() {}

     * Computes the complementary probability {@code P[D_n >= x]}, or survival function (SF),
     * for the two-sided one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution.
     * <pre>
     * D_n = sup_x |F(x) - CDF_n(x)|
     * </pre>
     * <p>where {@code n} is the sample size; {@code CDF_n(x)} is an empirical
     * cumulative distribution function; and {@code F(x)} is the expected
     * distribution.
     * <p>
     * References:
     * <ol>
     * <li>Simard, R., &amp; L’Ecuyer, P. (2011).
     * <a href="https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v039.i11">Computing the Two-Sided Kolmogorov-Smirnov Distribution.</a>
     * Journal of Statistical Software, 39(11), 1–18.
     * <li>
     * Marsaglia, G., Tsang, W. W., &amp; Wang, J. (2003).
     * <a href="https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v008.i18">Evaluating Kolmogorov's Distribution.</a>
     * Journal of Statistical Software, 8(18), 1–4.
     * </ol>
     * <p>Note that [2] contains an error in computing h, refer to <a
     * href="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MATH-437">MATH-437</a> for details.
     * @since 1.1
    static final class Two {
        /** pi^2. */
        private static final double PI2 = 9.8696044010893586188344909;
        /** pi^4. */
        private static final double PI4 = 97.409091034002437236440332;
        /** pi^6. */
        private static final double PI6 = 961.38919357530443703021944;
        /** sqrt(2*pi). */
        private static final double ROOT_TWO_PI = 2.5066282746310005024157652;
        /** sqrt(pi/2). */
        private static final double ROOT_HALF_PI = 1.2533141373155002512078826;
        /** Threshold for Pelz-Good where the 1 - CDF == 1.
         * Occurs when sqrt(2pi/z) exp(-pi^2 / (8 z^2)) is far below 2^-53.
         * Threshold set at exp(-pi^2 / (8 z^2)) = 2^-80. */
        private static final double LOG_PG_MIN = -55.451774444795625;
        /** Factor 4a in the quadratic equation to solve max k: log(2^-52) * 8. */
        private static final double FOUR_A = -288.3492271129372;
        /** The scaling threshold in the MTW algorithm. Marsaglia used 1e-140. This uses 2^-400 ~ 3.87e-121. */
        private static final double MTW_SCALE_THRESHOLD = 0x1.0p-400;
        /** The up-scaling factor in the MTW algorithm. Marsaglia used 1e140. This uses 2^400 ~ 2.58e120. */
        private static final double MTW_UP_SCALE = 0x1.0p400;
        /** The power-of-2 of the up-scaling factor in the MTW algorithm, n if the up-scale factor is 2^n. */
        private static final int MTW_UP_SCALE_POWER = 400;
        /** The scaling threshold in the Pomeranz algorithm.  */
        private static final double P_DOWN_SCALE = 0x1.0p-128;
        /** The up-scaling factor in the Pomeranz algorithm. */
        private static final double P_UP_SCALE = 0x1.0p128;
        /** The power-of-2 of the up-scaling factor in the Pomeranz algorithm, n if the up-scale factor is 2^n. */
        private static final int P_SCALE_POWER = 128;
        /** Maximum finite factorial. */
        private static final int MAX_FACTORIAL = 170;
        /** Approximate threshold for ln(MIN_NORMAL). */
        private static final int LOG_MIN_NORMAL = -708;
        /** 140, n threshold for small n for the sf computation.*/
        private static final int N140 = 140;
        /** 0.754693, nxx threshold for small n Durbin matrix sf computation. */
        private static final double NXX_0_754693 = 0.754693;
        /** 4, nxx threshold for small n Pomeranz sf computation. */
        private static final int NXX_4 = 4;
        /** 2.2, nxx threshold for large n Miller approximation sf computation. */
        private static final double NXX_2_2 = 2.2;
        /** 100000, n threshold for large n Durbin matrix sf computation. */
        private static final int N_100000 = 100000;
        /** 1.4, nx^(3/2) threshold for large n Durbin matrix sf computation. */
        private static final double NX32_1_4 = 1.4;
        /** 1/2. */
        private static final double HALF = 0.5;

        /** No instances. */
        private Two() {}

         * Calculates complementary probability {@code P[D_n >= x]} for the two-sided
         * one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution.
         * @param x Statistic.
         * @param n Sample size (assumed to be positive).
         * @return \(P(D_n &ge; x)\)
        static double sf(double x, int n) {
            final double p = sfExact(x, n);
            if (p >= 0) {
                return p;

            // The computation is divided based on the x-n plane.
            final double nxx = n * x * x;
            if (n <= N140) {
                // 10 decimal digits of precision

                // nx^2 < 4 use 1 - CDF(x).
                if (nxx < NXX_0_754693) {
                    // Durbin matrix (MTW)
                    return 1 - durbinMTW(x, n);
                if (nxx < NXX_4) {
                    // Pomeranz
                    return 1 - pomeranz(x, n);
                // Miller approximation: 2 * one-sided D+ computation
                return 2 * One.sf(x, n);
            // n > 140
            if (nxx >= NXX_2_2) {
                // 6 decimal digits of precision

                // Miller approximation: 2 * one-sided D+ computation
                return 2 * One.sf(x, n);
            // nx^2 < 2.2 use 1 - CDF(x).
            // 5 decimal digits of precision (for n < 200000)

            // nx^1.5 <= 1.4
            if (n <= N_100000 && n * Math.pow(x, 1.5) < NX32_1_4) {
                // Durbin matrix (MTW)
                return 1 - durbinMTW(x, n);
            // Pelz-Good, algorithm modified to sum negative terms from 1 for the SF.
            // (precision increases with n)
            return pelzGood(x, n);

         * Calculates exact cases for the complementary probability
         * {@code P[D_n >= x]} the two-sided one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution.
         * <p>Exact cases handle x not in [0, 1]. It is assumed n is positive.
         * @param x Statistic.
         * @param n Sample size (assumed to be positive).
         * @return \(P(D_n &ge; x)\)
        private static double sfExact(double x, int n) {
            if (n * x * x >= 370 || x >= 1) {
                // p would underflow, or x is out of the domain
                return 0;
            final double nx = x * n;
            if (nx <= 1) {
                // x <= 1/(2n)
                if (nx <= HALF) {
                    // Also detects x <= 0 (iff n is positive)
                    return 1;
                if (n == 1) {
                    // Simplification of:
                    // 1 - (n! (2x - 1/n)^n) == 1 - (2x - 1)
                    return 2.0 - 2.0 * x;
                // 1/(2n) < x <= 1/n
                // 1 - (n! (2x - 1/n)^n)
                final double f = 2 * x - 1.0 / n;
                // Switch threshold where (2x - 1/n)^n is sub-normal
                // Max factorial threshold is n=170
                final double logf = Math.log(f);
                if (n <= MAX_FACTORIAL && n * logf > LOG_MIN_NORMAL) {
                    return 1 - Factorial.doubleValue(n) * Math.pow(f, n);
                return -Math.expm1(LogFactorial.create().value(n) + n * logf);
            // 1 - 1/n <= x < 1
            if (n - 1 <= nx) {
                // 2 * (1-x)^n
                return 2 * Math.pow(1 - x, n);

            return -1;

         * Computes the Durbin matrix approximation for {@code P(D_n < d)} using the method
         * of Marsaglia, Tsang and Wang (2003).
         * @param x Statistic.
         * @param n Sample size (assumed to be positive).
         * @return \(P(D_n &lt; x)\)
        private static double durbinMTW(double x, int n) {
            final int k = (int) Math.ceil(n * x);
            final RealSquareMatrix h = createH(x, n).power(n);

            // Use scaling as per Marsaglia's code to avoid underflow.
            double pFrac = h.get(k - 1, k - 1);
            int scale = h.scale();
            // Omit i == n as this is a no-op
            for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
                pFrac *= (double) i / n;
                if (pFrac < MTW_SCALE_THRESHOLD) {
                    pFrac *= MTW_UP_SCALE;
                    scale -= MTW_UP_SCALE_POWER;
            // Return the CDF
            return clipProbability(Math.scalb(pFrac, scale));

         * Creates {@code H} of size {@code m x m} as described in [1].
         * @param x Statistic.
         * @param n Sample size (assumed to be positive).
         * @return H matrix
        private static RealSquareMatrix createH(double x, int n) {
            // MATH-437:
            // This is *not* (int) (n * x) + 1.
            // This is only ever called when 1/n < x < 1 - 1/n.
            // => h cannot be >= 1 when using ceil. h can be 0 if nx is integral.
            final int k = (int) Math.ceil(n * x);
            final double h = k - n * x;

            final int m = 2 * k - 1;
            final double[] data = new double[m * m];
            // Start by filling everything with either 0 or 1.
            for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
                // h[i][j] = i - j + 1 < 0 ? 0 : 1
                // => h[i][j<=i+1] = 1
                final int jend = Math.min(m - 1, i + 1);
                for (int j = i * m; j <= i * m + jend; j++) {
                    data[j] = 1;

            // Setting up power-array to avoid calculating the same value twice:
            // hp[0] = h^1, ..., hp[m-1] = h^m
            final double[] hp = new double[m];
            hp[0] = h;
            for (int i = 1; i < m; ++i) {
                // Avoid compound rounding errors using h * hp[i - 1]
                // with Math.pow as it is within 1 ulp of the exact result
                hp[i] = Math.pow(h, i + 1);

            // First column and last row has special values (each other reversed).
            for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
                data[i * m] -= hp[i];
                data[(m - 1) * m + i] -= hp[m - i - 1];

            // [1] states: "For 1/2 < h < 1 the bottom left element of the matrix should be
            // (1 - 2*h^m + (2h - 1)^m )/m!"
            if (2 * h - 1 > 0) {
                data[(m - 1) * m] += Math.pow(2 * h - 1, m);

            // Aside from the first column and last row, the (i, j)-th element is 1/(i - j + 1)! if i -
            // j + 1 >= 0, else 0. 1's and 0's are already put, so only division with (i - j + 1)! is
            // needed in the elements that have 1's. Note that i - j + 1 > 0 <=> i + 1 > j instead of
            // j'ing all the way to m. Also note that we can use pre-computed factorials given
            // the limits where this method is called.
            for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
                final int im = i * m;
                for (int j = 0; j < i + 1; ++j) {
                    // Here (i - j + 1 > 0)
                    // Divide by (i - j + 1)!
                    // Note: This method is used when:
                    // n <= 140; nxx < 0.754693
                    // n <= 100000; n x^1.5 < 1.4
                    // max m ~ 2nx ~ (1.4/1e5)^(2/3) * 2e5 = 116
                    // Use a tabulated factorial
                    data[im + j] /= Factorial.doubleValue(i - j + 1);
            return SquareMatrixSupport.create(m, data);

         * Computes the Pomeranz approximation for {@code P(D_n < d)} using the method
         * as described in Simard and L’Ecuyer (2011).
         * <p>Modifications have been made to the scaling of the intermediate values.
         * @param x Statistic.
         * @param n Sample size (assumed to be positive).
         * @return \(P(D_n &lt; x)\)
        private static double pomeranz(double x, int n) {
            final double t = n * x;
            // Store floor(A-t) and ceil(A+t). This does not require computing A.
            final int[] amt = new int[2 * n + 3];
            final int[] apt = new int[2 * n + 3];
            computeA(n, t, amt, apt);
            // Precompute ((A[i] - A[i-1])/n)^(j-k) / (j-k)!
            // A[i] - A[i-1] has 4 possible values (based on multiples of A2)
            // A1 - A0 = 0 - 0                               = 0
            // A2 - A1 = A2 - 0                              = A2
            // A3 - A2 = (1 - A2) - A2                       = 1 - 2 * A2
            // A4 - A3 = (A2 + 1) - (1 - A2)                 = 2 * A2
            // A5 - A4 = (1 - A2 + 1) - (A2 + 1)             = 1 - 2 * A2
            // A6 - A5 = (A2 + 1 + 1) - (1 - A2 + 1)         = 2 * A2
            // A7 - A6 = (1 - A2 + 1 + 1) - (A2 + 1 + 1)     = 1 - 2 * A2
            // A8 - A7 = (A2 + 1 + 1 + 1) - (1 - A2 + 1 + 1) = 2 * A2
            // ...
            // Ai - Ai-1 = ((i-1)/2 - A2) - (A2 + (i-2)/2)   = 1 - 2 * A2 ; i = odd
            // Ai - Ai-1 = (A2 + (i-1)/2) - ((i-2)/2 - A2)   = 2 * A2     ; i = even
            // ...
            // A2n+2 - A2n+1 = n - (n - A2)                  = A2

            // ap[][j - k] = ((A[i] - A[i-1])/n)^(j-k) / (j-k)!
            // for each case: A[i] - A[i-1] in [A2, 1 - 2 * A2, 2 * A2]
            // Ignore case 0 as this is not used. Factors are ap[0] = 1, else 0.
            // If A2==0.5 then this is computed as a no-op due to multiplication by zero.
            final int n2 = n + 2;
            final double[][] ap = new double[3][n2];
            final double a2 = Math.min(t - Math.floor(t), Math.ceil(t) - t);
            computeAP(ap[0], a2 / n);
            computeAP(ap[1], (1 - 2 * a2) / n);
            computeAP(ap[2], (2 * a2) / n);

            // Current and previous V
            double[] vc = new double[n2];
            double[] vp = new double[n2];
            // Count of re-scaling
            int scale = 0;

            // V_1,1 = 1
            vc[1] = 1;

            for (int i = 2; i <= 2 * n + 2; i++) {
                final double[] v = vc;
                vc = vp;
                vp = v;
                // This is useful for following current values of vc
                Arrays.fill(vc, 0);

                // Select (A[i] - A[i-1]) factor
                final double[] p;
                if (i == 2 || i == 2 * n + 2) {
                    // First or last
                    p = ap[0];
                } else {
                    // odd:  [1] 1 - 2 * 2A
                    // even: [2] 2 * A2
                    p = ap[2 - (i & 1)];

                // Set limits.
                // j is the ultimate bound for k and should be in [1, n+1]
                final int jmin = Math.max(1, amt[i] + 2);
                final int jmax = Math.min(n + 1, apt[i]);
                final int k1 = Math.max(1, amt[i - 1] + 2);

                // All numbers will reduce in size.
                // Maintain the largest close to 1.0.
                // This is a change from Simard and L’Ecuyer which scaled based on the smallest.
                double max = 0;
                for (int j = jmin; j <= jmax; j++) {
                    final int k2 = Math.min(j, apt[i - 1]);
                    // Accurate sum.
                    // vp[high] is smaller
                    // p[high] is smaller
                    // Sum ascending has smaller products first.
                    double sum = 0;
                    for (int k = k1; k <= k2; k++) {
                        sum += vp[k] * p[j - k];
                    vc[j] = sum;
                    if (max < sum) {
                        // Note: max *may* always be the first sum: vc[jmin]
                        max = sum;

                // Rescale if too small
                if (max < P_DOWN_SCALE) {
                    // Only scale in current range from V
                    for (int j = jmin; j <= jmax; j++) {
                        vc[j] *= P_UP_SCALE;
                    scale -= P_SCALE_POWER;

            // F_n(x) = n! V_{2n+2,n+1}
            double v = vc[n + 1];

            // This method is used when n < 140 where all n! are finite.
            // v is below 1 so we can directly compute the result without using logs.
            v *= Factorial.doubleValue(n);
            // Return the CDF (rescaling as required)
            return Math.scalb(v, scale);

         * Compute the power factors.
         * <pre>
         * factor[j] = z^j / j!
         * </pre>
         * @param p Power factors.
         * @param z (A[i] - A[i-1]) / n
        private static void computeAP(double[] p, double z) {
            // Note z^0 / 0! = 1 for any z
            p[0] = 1;
            p[1] = z;
            for (int j = 2; j < p.length; j++) {
                // Only used when n <= 140 and can use the tabulated values of n!
                // This avoids using recursion: p[j] = z * p[j-1] / j.
                // Direct computation more closely agrees with the recursion using BigDecimal
                // with 200 digits of precision.
                p[j] = Math.pow(z, j) / Factorial.doubleValue(j);

         * Compute the factors floor(A-t) and ceil(A+t).
         * Arrays should have length 2n+3.
         * @param n Sample size.
         * @param t Statistic x multiplied by n.
         * @param amt floor(A-t)
         * @param apt ceil(A+t)
        // package-private for testing
        static void computeA(int n, double t, int[] amt, int[] apt) {
            final int l = (int) Math.floor(t);
            final double f = t - l;
            final int limit = 2 * n + 2;

            // 3-cases
            if (f > HALF) {
                // Case (iii): 1/2 < f < 1
                // for i = 1, 2, ...
                for (int j = 2; j <= limit; j += 2) {
                    final int i = j >>> 1;
                    amt[j] = i - 2 - l;
                    apt[j] = i + l;
                // for i = 0, 1, 2, ...
                for (int j = 1; j <= limit; j += 2) {
                    final int i = j >>> 1;
                    amt[j] = i - 1 - l;
                    apt[j] = i + 1 + l;
            } else if (f > 0) {
                // Case (ii): 0 < f <= 1/2
                amt[1] = -l - 1;
                apt[1] = l + 1;
                // for i = 1, 2, ...
                for (int j = 2; j <= limit; j++) {
                    final int i = j >>> 1;
                    amt[j] = i - 1 - l;
                    apt[j] = i + l;
            } else {
                // Case (i): f = 0
                // for i = 1, 2, ...
                for (int j = 2; j <= limit; j += 2) {
                    final int i = j >>> 1;
                    amt[j] = i - 1 - l;
                    apt[j] = i - 1 + l;
                // for i = 0, 1, 2, ...
                for (int j = 1; j <= limit; j += 2) {
                    final int i = j >>> 1;
                    amt[j] = i - l;
                    apt[j] = i + l;

         * Computes the Pelz-Good approximation for {@code P(D_n >= d)} as described in
         * Simard and L’Ecuyer (2011).
         * <p>This has been modified to compute the complementary CDF by subtracting the
         * terms k0, k1, k2, k3 from 1. For use in computing the CDF the method should
         * be updated to return the sum of k0 ... k3.
         * @param x Statistic.
         * @param n Sample size (assumed to be positive).
         * @return \(P(D_n &ge; x)\)
         * @throws ArithmeticException if the series does not converge
        // package-private for testing
        static double pelzGood(double x, int n) {
            // Change the variable to z since approximation is for the distribution evaluated at d / sqrt(n)
            final double z2 = x * x * n;

            double lne = -PI2 / (8 * z2);
            // Final result is ~ (1 - K0) ~ 1 - sqrt(2pi/z) exp(-pi^2 / (8 z^2))
            // Do not compute when the exp value is far below eps.
            if (lne < LOG_PG_MIN) {
                // z ~ sqrt(-pi^2/(8*min)) ~ 0.1491
                return 1;
            // Note that summing K1, ..., K3 over all k with factor
            // (k + 1/2) is equivalent to summing over all k with
            // 2 (k - 1/2) / 2 == (2k - 1) / 2
            // This is the form for K0.
            // Compute all together over odd integers and divide factors
            // of (k + 1/2)^b by 2^b.
            double k0 = 0;
            double k1 = 0;
            double k2 = 0;
            double k3 = 0;

            final double rootN = Math.sqrt(n);
            final double z = x * rootN;
            final double z3 = z * z2;
            final double z4 = z2 * z2;
            final double z6 = Math.pow(z2, 3);
            final double z7 = Math.pow(z2, 3.5);
            final double z8 = Math.pow(z2, 4);
            final double z10 = Math.pow(z2, 5);

            final double a1 = PI2 / 4;

            final double a2 = 6 * z6 + 2 * z4;
            final double b2 = (PI2 * (2 * z4 - 5 * z2)) / 4;
            final double c2 = (PI4 * (1 - 2 * z2)) / 16;

            final double a3 = (PI6 * (5 - 30 * z2)) / 64;
            final double b3 = (PI4 * (-60 * z2 + 212 * z4)) / 16;
            final double c3 = (PI2 * (135 * z4 - 96 * z6)) / 4;
            final double d3 = -(30 * z6 + 90 * z8);

            // Iterate j=(2k - 1) for k=1, 2, ...
            // Terms reduce in size. Stop when:
            // exp(-pi^2 / 8z^2) * eps = exp((2k-1)^2 * -pi^2 / 8z^2)
            // (2k-1)^2 = 1 - log(eps) * 8z^2 / pi^2
            // 0 = k^2 - k + log(eps) * 2z^2 / pi^2
            // Solve using quadratic equation and eps = ulp(1.0): 4a ~ -288
            final int max = (int) Math.ceil((1 + Math.sqrt(1 - FOUR_A * z2 / PI2)) / 2);
            // Sum smallest terms first
            for (int k = max; k > 0; k--) {
                final int j = 2 * k - 1;
                // Create (2k-1)^2; (2k-1)^4; (2k-1)^6
                final double j2 = (double) j * j;
                final double j4 = Math.pow(j, 4);
                final double j6 = Math.pow(j, 6);
                // exp(-pi^2 * (2k-1)^2 / 8z^2)
                final double e = Math.exp(lne * j2);
                k0 += e;
                k1 += (a1 * j2 - z2) * e;
                k2 += (a2 + b2 * j2 + c2 * j4) * e;
                k3 += (a3 * j6 + b3 * j4 + c3 * j2 + d3) * e;
            k0 *= ROOT_TWO_PI / z;
            // Factors are halved as the sum is for k in -inf to +inf
            k1 *= ROOT_HALF_PI / (3 * z4);
            k2 *= ROOT_HALF_PI / (36 * z7);
            k3 *= ROOT_HALF_PI / (3240 * z10);

            // Compute additional K2,K3 terms
            double k2b = 0;
            double k3b = 0;

            // -pi^2 / (2z^2)
            lne *= 4;

            final double a3b = 3 * PI2 * z2;

            // Iterate for j=1, 2, ...
            // Note: Here max = sqrt(1 - FOUR_A z^2 / (4 pi^2)).
            // This is marginally smaller so we reuse the same value.
            for (int j = max; j > 0; j--) {
                final double j2 = (double) j * j;
                final double j4 = Math.pow(j, 4);
                // exp(-pi^2 * k^2 / 2z^2)
                final double e = Math.exp(lne * j2);
                k2b += PI2 * j2 * e;
                k3b += (-PI4 * j4 + a3b * j2) * e;
            // Factors are halved as the sum is for k in -inf to +inf
            k2b *= ROOT_HALF_PI / (18 * z3);
            k3b *= ROOT_HALF_PI / (108 * z6);

            // Series: K0(z) + K1(z)/n^0.5 + K2(z)/n + K3(z)/n^1.5 + O(1/n^2)
            k1 /= rootN;
            k2 /= n;
            k3 /= n * rootN;
            k2b /= n;
            k3b /= n * rootN;

            // Return (1 - CDF) with an extended precision sum in order of descending magnitude
            return clipProbability(Sum.of(1, -k0, -k1, -k2, -k3, +k2b, -k3b).getAsDouble());

     * Computes the complementary probability {@code P[D_n^+ >= x]} for the one-sided
     * one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution.
     * <pre>
     * D_n^+ = sup_x {CDF_n(x) - F(x)}
     * </pre>
     * <p>where {@code n} is the sample size; {@code CDF_n(x)} is an empirical
     * cumulative distribution function; and {@code F(x)} is the expected
     * distribution. The computation uses Smirnov's stable formula:
     * <pre>
     *                   floor(n(1-x)) (n) ( j     ) (j-1)  (         j ) (n-j)
     * P[D_n^+ >= x] = x     Sum       ( ) ( - + x )        ( 1 - x - - )
     *                       j=0       (j) ( n     )        (         n )
     * </pre>
     * <p>Computing using logs is not as accurate as direct multiplication when n is large.
     * However the terms are very large and small. Multiplication uses a scaled representation
     * with a separate exponent term to support the extreme range. Extended precision
     * representation of the numbers reduces the error in the power terms. Details in
     * van Mulbregt (2018).
     * <p>
     * References:
     * <ol>
     * <li>
     * van Mulbregt, P. (2018).
     * <a href="https://doi.org/10.48550/arxiv.1802.06966">Computing the Cumulative Distribution Function and Quantiles of the One-sided Kolmogorov-Smirnov Statistic</a>
     * arxiv:1802.06966.
     * <li>Magg &amp; Dicaire (1971).
     * <a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/biomet/58.3.653">On Kolmogorov-Smirnov Type One-Sample Statistics</a>
     * Biometrika 58.3 pp. 653–656.
     * </ol>
     * @since 1.1
    static final class One {
        /** "Very large" n to use a asymptotic limiting form.
         * [1] suggests 1e12 but this is reduced to avoid excess
         * computation time. */
        private static final int VERY_LARGE_N = 1000000;
        /** Maximum number of term for the Smirnov-Dwass algorithm. */
        private static final int SD_MAX_TERMS = 3;
        /** Minimum sample size for the Smirnov-Dwass algorithm. */
        private static final int SD_MIN_N = 8;
        /** Number of bits of precision in the sum of terms Aj.
         * This does not have to be the full 106 bits of a double-double as the final result
         * is used as a double. The terms are represented as fractions with an exponent:
         * <pre>
         *  Aj = 2^b * f
         *  f of sum(A) in [0.5, 1)
         *  f of Aj in [0.25, 2]
         * </pre>
         * <p>The terms can be added if their exponents overlap. The bits of precision must
         * account for the extra range of the fractional part of Aj by 1 bit. Note that
         * additional bits are added to this dynamically based on the number of terms. */
        private static final int SUM_PRECISION_BITS = 53;
        /** Number of bits of precision in the sum of terms Aj.
         * For Smirnov-Dwass we use the full 106 bits of a double-double due to the summation
         * of terms that cancel. Account for the extra range of the fractional part of Aj by 1 bit. */
        private static final int SD_SUM_PRECISION_BITS = 107;
        /** Proxy for the default choice of the scaled power function.
         * The actual choice is based on the chosen algorithm. */
        private static final ScaledPower POWER_DEFAULT = null;

         * Defines a scaled power function.
         * Package-private to allow the main sf method to be called direct in testing.
        interface ScaledPower {
             * Compute the number {@code x} raised to the power {@code n}.
             * <p>The value is returned as fractional {@code f} and integral
             * {@code 2^exp} components.
             * <pre>
             * (x+xx)^n = (f+ff) * 2^exp
             * </pre>
             * @param x x.
             * @param n Power.
             * @param exp Result power of two scale factor (integral exponent).
             * @return Fraction part.
             * @see DD#frexp(int[])
             * @see DD#pow(int, long[])
             * @see DDMath#pow(DD, int, long[])
            DD pow(DD x, int n, long[] exp);

        /** No instances. */
        private One() {}

         * Calculates complementary probability {@code P[D_n^+ >= x]}, or survival
         * function (SF), for the one-sided one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution.
         * @param x Statistic.
         * @param n Sample size (assumed to be positive).
         * @return \(P(D_n^+ &ge; x)\)
        static double sf(double x, int n) {
            final double p = sfExact(x, n);
            if (p >= 0) {
                return p;
            // Note: This is not referring to N = floor(n*x).
            // Here n is the sample size and a suggested limit 10^12 is noted on pp.15 in [1].
            // This uses a lower threshold where the full computation takes ~ 1 second.
            if (n > VERY_LARGE_N) {
                return sfAsymptotic(x, n);
            return sf(x, n, POWER_DEFAULT);

         * Calculates exact cases for the complementary probability
         * {@code P[D_n^+ >= x]} the one-sided one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution.
         * <p>Exact cases handle x not in [0, 1]. It is assumed n is positive.
         * @param x Statistic.
         * @param n Sample size (assumed to be positive).
         * @return \(P(D_n^+ &ge; x)\)
        private static double sfExact(double x, int n) {
            if (n * x * x >= 372.5 || x >= 1) {
                // p would underflow, or x is out of the domain
                return 0;
            if (x <= 0) {
                // edge-of, or out-of, the domain
                return 1;
            if (n == 1) {
                return x;
            // x <= 1/n
            // [1] Equation (33)
            final double nx = n * x;
            if (nx <= 1) {
                // 1 - x (1+x)^(n-1): here x may be small so use log1p
                return 1 - x * Math.exp((n - 1) * Math.log1p(x));
            // 1 - 1/n <= x < 1
            // [1] Equation (16)
            if (n - 1 <= nx) {
                // (1-x)^n: here x > 0.5 and 1-x is exact
                return Math.pow(1 - x, n);
            return -1;

         * Calculates complementary probability {@code P[D_n^+ >= x]}, or survival
         * function (SF), for the one-sided one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution.
         * <p>Computes the result using the asymptotic formula Eq 5 in [1].
         * @param x Statistic.
         * @param n Sample size (assumed to be positive).
         * @return \(P(D_n^+ &ge; x)\)
        private static double sfAsymptotic(double x, int n) {
            // Magg & Dicaire (1971) limiting form
            return Math.exp(-Math.pow(6.0 * n * x + 1, 2) / (18.0 * n));

         * Calculates complementary probability {@code P[D_n^+ >= x]}, or survival
         * function (SF), for the one-sided one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution.
         * <p>Computes the result using double-double arithmetic. The power function
         * can use a fast approximation or a full power computation.
         * <p>This function is safe for {@code x > 1/n}. When {@code x} approaches
         * sub-normal then division or multiplication by x can under/overflow. The
         * case of {@code x < 1/n} can be computed in {@code sfExact}.
         * @param x Statistic (typically in (1/n, 1 - 1/n)).
         * @param n Sample size (assumed to be positive).
         * @param power Function to compute the scaled power (can be null).
         * @return \(P(D_n^+ &ge; x)\)
         * @see DD#pow(int, long[])
         * @see DDMath#pow(DD, int, long[])
        static double sf(double x, int n, ScaledPower power) {
            // Compute only the SF using Algorithm 1 pp 12.

            // Compute: k = floor(n*x), alpha = nx - k; x = (k+alpha)/n with 0 <= alpha < 1
            final double[] alpha = {0};
            final int k = splitX(n, x, alpha);

            // Choose the algorithm:
            // Eq (13) Smirnov/Birnbaum-Tingey; or Smirnov/Dwass Eq (31)
            // Eq. 13 sums j = 0 : floor( n(1-x) )  = n - 1 - floor(nx) iff alpha != 0; else n - floor(nx)
            // Eq. 31 sums j = ceil( n(1-x) ) : n   = n - floor(nx)
            // Drop a term term if x = (n-j)/n. Equates to shifting the floor* down and ceil* up:
            // Eq. 13 N = floor*( n(1-x) ) = n - k - ((alpha!=0) ? 1 : 0) - ((alpha==0) ? 1 : 0)
            // Eq. 31 N = n - ceil*( n(1-x) ) = k - ((alpha==0) ? 1 : 0)
            // Where N is the number of terms - 1. This differs from Algorithm 1 by dropping
            // a SD term when it should be zero (to working precision).
            final int regN = n - k - 1;
            final int sdN = k - ((alpha[0] == 0) ? 1 : 0);

            // SD : Figure 3 (c) (pp. 6)
            // Terms Aj (j = n -> 0) have alternating signs through the range and may involve
            // numbers much bigger than 1 causing cancellation; magnitudes increase then decrease.
            // Section 3.3: Extra digits of precision required
            // grows like Order(sqrt(n)). E.g. sf=0.7 (x ~ 0.4/sqrt(n)) loses 8 digits.
            // Regular : Figure 3 (a, b)
            // Terms Aj can have similar magnitude through the range; when x >= 1/sqrt(n)
            // the final few terms can be magnitudes smaller and could be ignored.
            // Section 3.4: As x increases the magnitude of terms becomes more peaked,
            // centred at j = (n-nx)/2, i.e. 50% of the terms.
            // As n -> inf the sf for x = k/n agrees with the asymptote Eq 5 in log2(n) bits.
            // Figure 4 has lines at x = 1/n and x = 3/sqrt(n).
            // Point between is approximately x = 4/n, i.e. nx < 4 : k <= 3.
            // If faster when x < 0.5 and requiring nx ~ 4 then requires n >= 8.
            // Note: If SD accuracy scales with sqrt(n) then we could use 1 / sqrt(n).
            // That threshold is always above 4 / n when n is 16 (4/n = 1/sqrt(n) : n = 4^2).
            // So the current thresholds are conservative.
            boolean sd = false;
            if (sdN < regN) {
                // Here x < 0.5 and SD has fewer terms
                // Always choose when we only have one additional term (i.e x < 2/n)
                sd = sdN <= 1;
                // Otherwise when x < 4 / n
                sd |= sdN <= SD_MAX_TERMS && n >= SD_MIN_N;

            final int maxN = sd ? sdN : regN;

            // Note: if N > "very large" use the asymptotic approximation.
            // Currently this check is done on n (sample size) in the calling function.
            // This provides a monotonic p-value for all x with the same n.

            // Configure the algorithm.
            // The error of double-double addition and multiplication is low (< 2^-102).
            // The error in Aj is mainly from the power function.
            // fastPow error is around 2^-52, pow error is ~ 2^-70 or lower.
            // Smirnoff-Dwass has a sum of terms that cancel and requires higher precision.
            // The power can optionally be specified.
            final ScaledPower fpow;
            if (power == POWER_DEFAULT) {
                // SD has only a few terms. Use a high accuracy power.
                fpow = sd ? DDMath::pow : DD::pow;
            } else {
                fpow = power;
            // For the regular summation we must sum at least 50% of the terms. The number
            // of required bits to sum remaining terms of the same magnitude is log2(N/2).
            // These guards bits are conservative and > ~99% of terms are typically used.
            final int sumBits = sd ? SD_SUM_PRECISION_BITS : SUM_PRECISION_BITS + log2(maxN >> 1);

            // Working variable for the exponent of scaled values
            final int[] ie = {0};
            final long[] le = {0};

            // The terms Aj may over/underflow.
            // This is handled by maintaining the sum(Aj) using a fractional representation.
            // sum(Aj) maintained as 2^e * f with f in [0.5, 1)
            DD sum;
            long esum;

            // Compute A0
            if (sd) {
                // A0 = (1+x)^(n-1)
                sum = fpow.pow(DD.ofSum(1, x), n - 1, le);
                esum = le[0];
            } else {
                // A0 = (1-x)^n / x
                sum = fpow.pow(DD.ofDifference(1, x), n, le);
                esum = le[0];
                // x in (1/n, 1 - 1/n) so the divide of the fraction is safe
                sum = sum.divide(x).frexp(ie);
                esum += ie[0];

            // Binomial coefficient c(n, j) maintained as 2^e * f with f in [1, 2)
            // This value is integral but maintained to limited precision
            DD c = DD.ONE;
            long ec = 0;
            for (int i = 1; i <= maxN; i++) {
                // c(n, j) = c(n, j-1) * (n-j+1) / j
                c = c.multiply(DD.fromQuotient(n - i + 1, i));
                // Here we maintain c in [1, 2) to restrict the scaled Aj term to [0.25, 2].
                final int b = Math.getExponent(c.hi());
                if (b != 0) {
                    c = c.scalb(-b);
                    ec += b;
                // Compute Aj
                final int j = sd ? n - i : i;
                // Algorithm 4 pp. 27
                // S = ((j/n) + x)^(j-1)
                // T = ((n-j)/n - x)^(n-j)
                final DD s = fpow.pow(DD.fromQuotient(j, n).add(x), j - 1, le);
                final long es = le[0];
                final DD t = fpow.pow(DD.fromQuotient(n - j, n).subtract(x), n - j, le);
                final long et = le[0];
                // Aj = C(n, j) * T * S
                //    = 2^e * [1, 2] * [0.5, 1] * [0.5, 1]
                //    = 2^e * [0.25, 2]
                final long eaj = ec + es + et;
                // Only compute and add to the sum when the exponents overlap by n-bits.
                if (eaj > esum - sumBits) {
                    DD aj = c.multiply(t).multiply(s);
                    // Scaling must offset by the scale of the sum
                    aj = aj.scalb((int) (eaj - esum));
                    sum = sum.add(aj);
                } else {
                    // Terms are expected to increase in magnitude then reduce.
                    // Here the terms are insignificant and we can stop.
                    // Effectively Aj -> eps * sum, and most of the computation is done.

                // Re-scale the sum
                sum = sum.frexp(ie);
                esum += ie[0];

            // p = x * sum(Ai). Since the sum is normalised
            // this is safe as long as x does not approach a sub-normal.
            // Typically x in (1/n, 1 - 1/n).
            sum = sum.multiply(x);
            // Rescale the result
            sum = sum.scalb((int) esum);
            if (sd) {
                // SF = 1 - CDF
                sum = sum.negate().add(1);
            return clipProbability(sum.doubleValue());

         * Compute exactly {@code x = (k + alpha) / n} with {@code k} an integer and
         * {@code alpha in [0, 1)}. Note that {@code k ~ floor(nx)} but may be rounded up
         * if {@code alpha -> 1} within working precision.
         * <p>This computation is a significant source of increased error if performed in
         * 64-bit arithmetic. Although the value alpha is only used for the PDF computation
         * a value of {@code alpha == 0} indicates the final term of the SF summation can be
         * dropped due to the cancellation of a power term {@code (x + j/n)} to zero with
         * {@code x = (n-j)/n}. That is if {@code alpha == 0} then x is the fraction {@code k/n}
         * and one Aj term is zero.
         * @param n Sample size.
         * @param x Statistic.
         * @param alpha Output alpha.
         * @return k
        static int splitX(int n, double x, double[] alpha) {
            // Described on page 14 in van Mulbregt [1].
            // nx = U+V (exact)
            DD z = DD.ofProduct(n, x);
            // Integer part of nx is *almost* the integer part of U.
            // Compute k = floor((U,V)) (changed from the listing of floor(U)).
            int k = (int) z.floor().hi();
            // nx = k + ((U - k) + V) = k + (U1 + V1)
            // alpha = (U1, V1) = z - k
            z = z.subtract(k);
            // alpha is in [0, 1) in double-double precision.
            // Ensure the high part is in [0, 1) (i.e. in double precision).
            if (z.hi() == 1) {
                // Here alpha is ~ 1.0-eps.
                // This occurs when x ~ j/n and n is large.
                k += 1;
                alpha[0] = 0;
            } else {
                alpha[0] = z.hi();
            return k;

         * Returns {@code floor(log2(n))}.
         * @param n Value.
         * @return approximate log2(n)
        private static int log2(int n) {
            return 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(n);

     * Computes {@code P(sqrt(n) D_n > x)}, the limiting form for the distribution of
     * Kolmogorov's D_n as described in Simard and L’Ecuyer (2011) (Eq. 5, or K0 Eq. 6).
     * <p>Computes \( 2 \sum_{i=1}^\infty (-1)^(i-1) e^{-2 i^2 x^2} \), or
     * \( 1 - (\sqrt{2 \pi} / x) * \sum_{i=1}^\infty { e^{-(2i-1)^2 \pi^2 / (8x^2) } } \)
     * when x is small.
     * <p>Note: This computes the upper Kolmogorov sum.
     * @param x Argument x = sqrt(n) * d
     * @return Upper Kolmogorov sum evaluated at x
    static double ksSum(double x) {
        // Switch computation when p ~ 0.5
        if (x < X_KS_HALF) {
            // When x -> 0 the result is 1
            if (x < X_KS_ONE) {
                return 1;

            // t = exp(-pi^2/8x^2)
            // p = 1 - sqrt(2pi)/x * (t + t^9 + t^25 + t^49 + t^81 + ...)
            //   = 1 - sqrt(2pi)/x * t * (1 + t^8 + t^24 + t^48 + t^80 + ...)

            final double logt = -PI2 / (8 * x * x);
            final double t = Math.exp(logt);
            final double s = ROOT_TWO_PI / x;

            final double t8 = Math.pow(t, 8);
            if (t8 < EPS) {
                // Cannot compute 1 + t^8.
                // 1 - sqrt(2pi)/x * exp(-pi^2/8x^2)
                // 1 - exp(log(sqrt(2pi)/x) - pi^2/8x^2)
                return -Math.expm1(Math.log(s) + logt);

            // sum = t^((2i-1)^2 - 1), i=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...
            //     = 1 + t^8 + t^24 + t^48 + t^80 + ...
            // With x = 0.82757... the smallest terms cannot be added when i==5
            // i.e. t^48 + t^80 == t^48
            // sum = 1 + (t^8 * (1 + t^16 * (1 + t^24)))
            final double sum = 1 + (t8 * (1 + t8 * t8 * (1 + t8 * t8 * t8)));
            return 1 - s * t * sum;

        // t = exp(-2 x^2)
        // p = 2 * (t - t^4 + t^9 - t^16 + ...)
        // sum = -1^(i-1) t^(i^2), i=i, 2, 3, ...

        // Sum of alternating terms of reducing magnitude:
        // Will converge when exp(-2x^2) * eps >= exp(-2x^2)^(i^2)
        // When x = 0.82757... this requires max i==5
        // i.e. t * eps >= t^36 (i=6)
        final double t = Math.exp(-2 * x * x);

        // (t - t^4 + t^9 - t^16 + t^25)
        // t * (1 - t^3 * (1 - t^5 * (1 - t^7 * (1 - t^9))))
        final double t2 = t * t;
        final double t3 = t * t * t;
        final double t4 = t2 * t2;
        final double sum = t * (1 - t3 * (1 - t2 * t3 * (1 - t3 * t4 * (1 - t2 * t3 * t4))));
        return clipProbability(2 * sum);

     * Clip the probability to the range [0, 1].
     * @param p Probability.
     * @return p in [0, 1]
    static double clipProbability(double p) {
        return Math.min(1, Math.max(0, p));