* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.statistics.distribution;
import java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator;
import org.apache.commons.rng.UniformRandomProvider;
import org.apache.commons.rng.sampling.distribution.InverseTransformDiscreteSampler;
* Base class for integer-valued discrete distributions. Default
* implementations are provided for some of the methods that do not vary
* from distribution to distribution.
* <p>This base class provides a default factory method for creating
* a {@linkplain DiscreteDistribution.Sampler sampler instance} that uses the
* <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_transform_sampling">
* inversion method</a> for generating random samples that follow the
* distribution.
* <p>The class provides functionality to evaluate the probability in a range
* using either the cumulative probability or the survival probability.
* The survival probability is used if both arguments to
* {@link #probability(int, int)} are above the median.
* Child classes with a known median can override the default {@link #getMedian()}
* method.
abstract class AbstractDiscreteDistribution
implements DiscreteDistribution {
/** Marker value for no median.
* This is a long to be outside the value of any possible int valued median. */
private static final long NO_MEDIAN = Long.MIN_VALUE;
/** Cached value of the median. */
private long median = NO_MEDIAN;
* Gets the median. This is used to determine if the arguments to the
* {@link #probability(int, int)} function are in the upper or lower domain.
* <p>The default implementation calls {@link #inverseCumulativeProbability(double)}
* with a value of 0.5.
* @return the median
int getMedian() {
long m = median;
if (m == NO_MEDIAN) {
median = m = inverseCumulativeProbability(0.5);
return (int) m;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public double probability(int x0,
int x1) {
if (x0 > x1) {
throw new DistributionException(DistributionException.INVALID_RANGE_LOW_GT_HIGH, x0, x1);
// As per the default interface method handle special cases:
// x0 = x1 : return 0
// x0 + 1 = x1 : return probability(x1)
// Long addition avoids overflow
if (x0 + 1L >= x1) {
return x0 == x1 ? 0.0 : probability(x1);
// Use the survival probability when in the upper domain [3]:
// lower median upper
// | | |
// 1. |------|
// x0 x1
// 2. |----------|
// x0 x1
// 3. |--------|
// x0 x1
final double m = getMedian();
if (x0 >= m) {
return survivalProbability(x0) - survivalProbability(x1);
return cumulativeProbability(x1) - cumulativeProbability(x0);
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p>The default implementation returns:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #getSupportLowerBound()} for {@code p = 0},</li>
* <li>{@link #getSupportUpperBound()} for {@code p = 1}, or</li>
* <li>the result of a binary search between the lower and upper bound using
* {@link #cumulativeProbability(int) cumulativeProbability(x)}.
* The bounds may be bracketed for efficiency.</li>
* </ul>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code p < 0} or {@code p > 1}
public int inverseCumulativeProbability(double p) {
return inverseProbability(p, 1 - p, false);
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p>The default implementation returns:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #getSupportLowerBound()} for {@code p = 1},</li>
* <li>{@link #getSupportUpperBound()} for {@code p = 0}, or</li>
* <li>the result of a binary search between the lower and upper bound using
* {@link #survivalProbability(int) survivalProbability(x)}.
* The bounds may be bracketed for efficiency.</li>
* </ul>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code p < 0} or {@code p > 1}
public int inverseSurvivalProbability(double p) {
return inverseProbability(1 - p, p, true);
* Implementation for the inverse cumulative or survival probability.
* @param p Cumulative probability.
* @param q Survival probability.
* @param complement Set to true to compute the inverse survival probability
* @return the value
private int inverseProbability(double p, double q, boolean complement) {
int lower = getSupportLowerBound();
if (p == 0) {
return lower;
int upper = getSupportUpperBound();
if (q == 0) {
return upper;
// The binary search sets the upper value to the mid-point
// based on fun(x) >= 0. The upper value is returned.
// Create a function to search for x where the upper bound can be
// lowered if:
// cdf(x) >= p
// sf(x) <= q
final IntUnaryOperator fun = complement ?
x -> Double.compare(q, survivalProbability(x)) :
x -> Double.compare(cumulativeProbability(x), p);
if (lower == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
if (fun.applyAsInt(lower) >= 0) {
return lower;
} else {
// this ensures:
// cumulativeProbability(lower) < p
// survivalProbability(lower) > q
// which is important for the solving step
lower -= 1;
// use the one-sided Chebyshev inequality to narrow the bracket
// cf. AbstractContinuousDistribution.inverseCumulativeProbability(double)
final double mu = getMean();
final double sig = Math.sqrt(getVariance());
final boolean chebyshevApplies = Double.isFinite(mu) &&
if (chebyshevApplies) {
double tmp = mu - sig * Math.sqrt(q / p);
if (tmp > lower) {
lower = ((int) Math.ceil(tmp)) - 1;
tmp = mu + sig * Math.sqrt(p / q);
if (tmp < upper) {
upper = ((int) Math.ceil(tmp)) - 1;
return solveInverseProbability(fun, lower, upper);
* This is a utility function used by {@link
* #inverseProbability(double, double, boolean)}. It assumes
* that the inverse probability lies in the bracket {@code
* (lower, upper]}. The implementation does simple bisection to find the
* smallest {@code x} such that {@code fun(x) >= 0}.
* @param fun Probability function.
* @param lowerBound Value satisfying {@code fun(lower) < 0}.
* @param upperBound Value satisfying {@code fun(upper) >= 0}.
* @return the smallest x
private static int solveInverseProbability(IntUnaryOperator fun,
int lowerBound,
int upperBound) {
// Use long to prevent overflow during computation of the middle
long lower = lowerBound;
long upper = upperBound;
while (lower + 1 < upper) {
// Note: Cannot replace division by 2 with a right shift because
// (lower + upper) can be negative.
final long middle = (lower + upper) / 2;
final int pm = fun.applyAsInt((int) middle);
if (pm < 0) {
lower = middle;
} else {
upper = middle;
return (int) upper;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public DiscreteDistribution.Sampler createSampler(final UniformRandomProvider rng) {
// Inversion method distribution sampler.
return InverseTransformDiscreteSampler.of(rng, this::inverseCumulativeProbability)::sample;