Class Imaging


public final class Imaging extends Object
The primary application programming interface (API) to the Imaging library.

Application Notes

Using this class

Almost all of the Apache Commons Imaging library's core functionality can be accessed through the methods provided by this class. The use of the Imaging class is similar to the Java API's ImageIO class, though Imaging supports formats not included in the standard Java API.

All of methods provided by the Imaging class are declared static.

The Apache Commons Imaging package is a pure Java implementation.

Format support

While the Apache Commons Imaging package handles a number of different graphics formats, support for some formats is not yet complete. For the most recent information on support for specific formats, refer to Format Support at the main project development web site.

Optional parameters for image reading and writing

Many of the operations provided in this class as static calls can be accessed directly using format-specific AbstractImageParser instances. These static methods are provided for convenience in simple use cases.

Example code

See the source of the SampleUsage class and other classes in the org.apache.commons.imaging.examples package for examples.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • dumpImageFile

      public static String dumpImageFile(byte[] bytes) throws ImagingException, IOException
      Write the ImageInfo and format-specific information for the image content of the specified byte array to a string.
      bytes - A valid array of bytes.
      A valid string.
      ImagingException - In the event that the specified content does not conform to the format of the specific parser implementation.
      IOException - In the event of unsuccessful read or access operation.
    • dumpImageFile

      public static String dumpImageFile(File file) throws ImagingException, IOException
      Write the ImageInfo and format-specific information for the image content of the specified file to a string.
      file - A valid file reference.
      A valid string.
      ImagingException - In the event that the specified content does not conform to the format of the specific parser implementation.
      IOException - In the event of unsuccessful read or access operation.
    • getAllBufferedImages

      public static List<BufferedImage> getAllBufferedImages(byte[] bytes) throws ImagingException, IOException
      Gets all images specified by the byte array (some formats may include multiple images within a single data source).
      bytes - a valid array of bytes
      A valid (potentially empty) list of BufferedImage objects.
      ImagingException - In the event that the specified content does not conform to the format of the specific parser implementation.
      IOException - In the event of unsuccessful read or access operation.
    • getAllBufferedImages

      Gets all images specified by the file (some formats may include multiple images within a single data source).
      file - A reference to a valid data file.
      A valid (potentially empty) list of BufferedImage objects.
      ImagingException - In the event that the specified content does not conform to the format of the specific parser implementation.
      IOException - In the event of unsuccessful read or access operation.
    • getAllBufferedImages

      Gets all images specified by the InputStream (some formats may include multiple images within a single data source).
      is - A valid InputStream
      fileName - File name associated with image data (optional).
      A valid (potentially empty) list of BufferedImage objects.
      ImagingException - In the event that the specified content does not conform to the format of the specific parser implementation.
      IOException - In the event of unsuccessful read or access operation.
    • getBufferedImage

      public static BufferedImage getBufferedImage(byte[] bytes) throws ImagingException, IOException
      Reads the first image from a byte array.

      For the most recent information on support for specific formats, refer to Format Support at the main project development web site. While the Apache Commons Imaging package does not fully support all formats, it can read image info, metadata and ICC profiles from all image formats that provide this data.

      bytes - a valid array of bytes from which to read data.
      if successful, a valid buffered image
      ImagingException - in the event of a processing error while reading an image (i.e. a format violation, etc.).
      IOException - in the event of an unrecoverable I/O exception.
    • getBufferedImage

      Reads the first image from a file.

      For the most recent information on support for specific formats, refer to Format Support at the main project development web site. While the Apache Commons Imaging package does not fully support all formats, it can read image info, metadata and ICC profiles from all image formats that provide this data.

      file - a valid reference to a file containing image data.
      if successful, a valid buffered image
      ImagingException - in the event of a processing error while reading an image (i.e. a format violation, etc.).
      IOException - in the event of an unrecoverable I/O exception.
    • getBufferedImage

      Reads the first image from an InputStream.

      For the most recent information on support for specific formats, refer to Format Support at the main project development web site. While the Apache Commons Imaging package does not fully support all formats, it can read image info, metadata and ICC profiles from all image formats that provide this data.

      is - a valid ImageStream from which to read data.
      if successful, a valid buffered image
      ImagingException - in the event of a processing errorfileName while reading an image (i.e. a format violation, etc.).
      IOException - in the event of an unrecoverable I/O exception.
    • getBufferedImage

      Reads the first image from an InputStream.

      For the most recent information on support for specific formats, refer to Format Support at the main project development web site. While the Apache Commons Imaging package does not fully support all formats, it can read image info, metadata and ICC profiles from all image formats that provide this data.

      is - a valid ImageStream from which to read data.
      fileName - the image file name.
      if successful, a valid buffered image
      ImagingException - in the event of a processing error while reading an image (i.e. a format violation, etc.).
      IOException - in the event of an unrecoverable I/O exception.
    • getFormatCompliance

      public static FormatCompliance getFormatCompliance(byte[] bytes) throws ImagingException, IOException
      Attempts to determine the image format of the specified data and evaluates its format compliance.

      This method returns a FormatCompliance object which includes information about the data's compliance to a specific format.

      bytes - a valid array of bytes containing image data.
      if successful, a valid FormatCompliance object.
      ImagingException - in the event of unreadable data.
      IOException - in the event of an unrecoverable I/O condition.
    • getFormatCompliance

      Attempts to determine the image format of the specified data and evaluates its format compliance. This method returns a FormatCompliance object which includes information about the data's compliance to a specific format.
      file - valid file containing image data
      if successful, a valid FormatCompliance object.
      ImagingException - in the event of unreadable data.
      IOException - in the event of an unrecoverable I/O condition.
    • getIccProfile

      public static ICC_Profile getIccProfile(byte[] bytes) throws ImagingException, IOException
      Extracts an ICC Profile (if present) from JPEG, PNG, PSD (Photoshop) and TIFF images.
      bytes - Byte array containing an image file.
      An instance of ICC_Profile or null if the image contains no ICC profile.
      ImagingException - if it fails to parse the image
      IOException - if it fails to read the image data
    • getIccProfile

      protected static ICC_Profile getIccProfile(ByteSource byteSource) throws ImagingException, IOException
    • getIccProfile

      Extracts an ICC Profile (if present) from JPEG, PNG, PSD (Photoshop) and TIFF images.
      file - File containing image data.
      An instance of ICC_Profile or null if the image contains no ICC profile.
      ImagingException - if it fails to parse the image
      IOException - if it fails to read the image data
    • getIccProfile

      Extracts an ICC Profile (if present) from JPEG, PNG, PSD (Photoshop) and TIFF images.
      is - InputStream from which to read image data.
      fileName - File name associated with image data (optional).
      An instance of ICC_Profile or null if the image contains no ICC profile.
      ImagingException - if it fails to parse the image
      IOException - if it fails to read the image data
    • getIccProfileBytes

      public static byte[] getIccProfileBytes(byte[] bytes) throws ImagingException, IOException
      Extracts the raw bytes of an ICC Profile (if present) from JPEG, PNG, PSD (Photoshop) and TIFF images.

      To parse the result use IccProfileParser or ICC_Profile.getInstance(bytes).

      bytes - Byte array containing an image file.
      A byte array.
      ImagingException - if it fails to parse the image
      IOException - if it fails to read the image data
      See Also:
    • getIccProfileBytes

      public static byte[] getIccProfileBytes(File file) throws ImagingException, IOException
      Extracts the raw bytes of an ICC Profile (if present) from JPEG, PNG, PSD (Photoshop) and TIFF images.

      To parse the result use IccProfileParser or ICC_Profile.getInstance(bytes).

      file - File containing image data.
      A byte array.
      ImagingException - if it fails to parse the image
      IOException - if it fails to read the image data
      See Also:
    • getImageInfo

      public static ImageInfo getImageInfo(byte[] bytes) throws ImagingException, IOException
      Parses the "image info" of an image.

      "Image info" is a summary of basic information about the image such as: width, height, file format, bit depth, color type, etc.

      Not to be confused with "image metadata."

      bytes - Byte array containing an image file.
      An instance of ImageInfo.
      ImagingException - if it fails to parse the image
      IOException - if it fails to read the image data
      See Also:
    • getImageInfo

      public static ImageInfo getImageInfo(File file) throws ImagingException, IOException
      Parses the "image info" of an image file.

      "Image info" is a summary of basic information about the image such as: width, height, file format, bit depth, color type, etc.

      Not to be confused with "image metadata."

      file - File containing image data.
      An instance of ImageInfo.
      ImagingException - if it fails to parse the image
      IOException - if it fails to read the image data
      See Also:
    • getImageInfo

      public static ImageInfo getImageInfo(InputStream is, String fileName) throws ImagingException, IOException
      Parses the "image info" of an image.

      "Image info" is a summary of basic information about the image such as: width, height, file format, bit depth, color type, etc.

      Not to be confused with "image metadata."

      is - InputStream from which to read image data.
      fileName - File name associated with image data (optional).
      An instance of ImageInfo.
      ImagingException - if it fails to parse the image
      IOException - if it fails to read the image data
      See Also:
    • getImageInfo

      public static ImageInfo getImageInfo(String fileName, byte[] bytes) throws ImagingException, IOException
      Parses the "image info" of an image.

      "Image info" is a summary of basic information about the image such as: width, height, file format, bit depth, color type, etc.

      Not to be confused with "image metadata."

      fileName - String.
      bytes - Byte array containing an image file.
      An instance of ImageInfo.
      ImagingException - if it fails to parse the image
      IOException - if it fails to read the image data
      See Also:
    • getImageSize

      public static Dimension getImageSize(byte[] bytes) throws ImagingException, IOException
      Determines the width and height of an image.
      bytes - Byte array containing an image file.
      The width and height of the image.
      ImagingException - if it fails to parse the image
      IOException - if it fails to read the image data
    • getImageSize

      public static Dimension getImageSize(ByteSource byteSource) throws ImagingException, IOException
      Determines the width and height of an image byte source.
      byteSource - Byte source data.
      The width and height of the image.
      ImagingException - if it fails to parse the image
      IOException - if it fails to read the image data
    • getImageSize

      public static Dimension getImageSize(File file) throws ImagingException, IOException
      Determines the width and height of an image file.
      file - File containing image data.
      The width and height of the image.
      ImagingException - if it fails to parse the image
      IOException - if it fails to read the image data
    • getImageSize

      public static Dimension getImageSize(InputStream is, String fileName) throws ImagingException, IOException
      Determines the width and height of an image.
      is - InputStream from which to read image data.
      fileName - File name associated with image data (optional).
      The width and height of the image.
      ImagingException - if it fails to parse the image
      IOException - if it fails to read the image data
    • getMetadata

      public static ImageMetadata getMetadata(byte[] bytes) throws ImagingException, IOException
      Parses the metadata of an image. This metadata depends on the format of the image.

      JPEG/JFIF files may contain EXIF and/or IPTC metadata. PNG files may contain comments. TIFF files may contain metadata.

      The instance of IImageMetadata returned by getMetadata() should be upcast (depending on image format).

      Not to be confused with "image info."

      bytes - Byte array containing an image file.
      An instance of ImageMetadata.
      ImagingException - if it fails to read the image metadata
      IOException - if it fails to read the image data
      See Also:
    • getMetadata

      Parses the metadata of an image file. This metadata depends on the format of the image.

      JPEG/JFIF files may contain EXIF and/or IPTC metadata. PNG files may contain comments. TIFF files may contain metadata.

      The instance of IImageMetadata returned by getMetadata() should be upcast (depending on image format).

      Not to be confused with "image info."

      file - File containing image data.
      An instance of IImageMetadata.
      ImagingException - if it fails to read the image metadata
      IOException - if it fails to read the image data
      See Also:
    • getMetadata

      Parses the metadata of an image file. This metadata depends on the format of the image.

      JPEG/JFIF files may contain EXIF and/or IPTC metadata. PNG files may contain comments. TIFF files may contain metadata.

      The instance of IImageMetadata returned by getMetadata() should be upcast (depending on image format).

      Not to be confused with "image info."

      is - InputStream from which to read image data.
      fileName - File name associated with image data (optional).
      An instance of IImageMetadata.
      ImagingException - if it fails to read the image metadata
      IOException - if it fails to read the image data
      See Also:
    • getXmpXml

      public static String getXmpXml(byte[] bytes) throws ImagingException, IOException
      Extracts the embedded XML metadata as an XML string.
      bytes - Byte array containing an image file.
      Xmp Xml as String, if present. Otherwise, returns null.
      ImagingException - if it fails to parse the image
      IOException - if it fails to read the image data
    • getXmpXml

      public static String getXmpXml(ByteSource byteSource) throws ImagingException, IOException
      Extracts the embedded XML metadata as an XML string.
      byteSource - File containing image data.
      Xmp Xml as String, if present. Otherwise, returns null.
      ImagingException - if it fails to parse the image
      IOException - if it fails to read the image data
    • getXmpXml

      public static String getXmpXml(File file) throws ImagingException, IOException
      Extracts the embedded XML metadata as an XML string.
      file - File containing image data.
      Xmp Xml as String, if present. Otherwise, returns null.
      ImagingException - if it fails to parse the image
      IOException - if it fails to read the image data
    • getXmpXml

      public static String getXmpXml(InputStream is, String fileName) throws ImagingException, IOException
      Extracts the embedded XML metadata as an XML string.
      is - InputStream from which to read image data.
      fileName - File name associated with image data (optional).
      Xmp Xml as String, if present. Otherwise, returns null.
      ImagingException - if it fails to parse the image
      IOException - if it fails to read the image data
    • guessFormat

      public static ImageFormat guessFormat(byte[] bytes) throws IOException
      Attempts to determine the image format of a file based on its "magic numbers," the first bytes of the data.

      Many graphics format specify identifying byte values that appear at the beginning of the data file. This method checks for such identifying elements and returns a ImageFormat enumeration indicating what it detects. Note that this method can return "false positives" in cases where non-image files begin with the specified byte values.

      bytes - Byte array containing an image file.
      An ImageFormat, such as ImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_JPEG. Returns ImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN if the image type cannot be determined.
      IOException - in the event of an unrecoverable I/O condition.
    • guessFormat

      public static ImageFormat guessFormat(ByteSource byteSource) throws IOException
      Attempts to determine the image format of a file based on its "magic numbers," the first bytes of the data.

      Many graphics formats specify identifying byte values that appear at the beginning of the data file. This method checks for such identifying elements and returns a ImageFormat enumeration indicating what it detects. Note that this method can return "false positives" in cases where non-image files begin with the specified byte values.

      byteSource - a valid ByteSource object potentially supplying data for an image.
      An ImageFormat, such as ImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_JPEG. Returns ImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN if the image type cannot be determined.
      IllegalArgumentException - in the event of an unsuccessful attempt to read the image data
      IOException - in the event of an unrecoverable I/O condition.
    • guessFormat

      public static ImageFormat guessFormat(File file) throws IOException
      Attempts to determine the image format of a file based on its "magic numbers," the first bytes of the data.

      Many graphics formats specify identifying byte values that appear at the beginning of the data file. This method checks for such identifying elements and returns a ImageFormat enumeration indicating what it detects. Note that this method can return "false positives" in cases where non-image files begin with the specified byte values.

      file - File containing image data.
      An ImageFormat, such as ImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_JPEG. Returns ImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN if the image type cannot be determined.
      IOException - in the event of an unrecoverable I/O condition.
    • hasImageFileExtension

      public static boolean hasImageFileExtension(File file)
      Attempts to determine if a file contains an image recorded in a supported graphics format based on its file-name extension (for example ".jpg", ".gif", ".png", etc.).
      file - A valid File object providing a reference to a file that may contain an image.
      true if the file-name includes a supported image format file extension; otherwise, false.
    • hasImageFileExtension

      public static boolean hasImageFileExtension(String fileName)
      Attempts to determine if a file contains an image recorded in a supported graphics format based on its file-name extension (for example ".jpg", ".gif", ".png", etc.).
      fileName - A valid string representing name of file which may contain an image.
      true if the file name has an image format file extension.
    • writeImage

      public static void writeImage(BufferedImage src, File file, ImageFormat format) throws ImagingException, IOException
      Writes the content of a BufferedImage to a file using the specified image format.

      Image writing is not supported for all graphics formats. For the most recent information on support for specific formats, refer to Format Support at the main project development web site. While the Apache Commons Imaging package does not fully support all formats, it can read image info, metadata and ICC profiles from all image formats that provide this data.

      src - a valid BufferedImage object
      file - the file to which the output image is to be written
      format - the format in which the output image is to be written
      ImagingException - in the event of a format violation, unsupported image format, etc.
      IOException - in the event of an unrecoverable I/O exception.
      See Also:
    • writeImage

      public static void writeImage(BufferedImage src, OutputStream outputStream, ImageFormat format) throws ImagingException, IOException
      Writes the content of a BufferedImage to an OutputStream using the specified image format.

      Image writing is not supported for all graphics formats. For the most recent information on support for specific formats, refer to Format Support at the main project development web site. While the Apache Commons Imaging package does not fully support all formats, it can read image info, metadata and ICC profiles from all image formats that provide this data.

      src - a valid BufferedImage object
      outputStream - the OutputStream to which the output image is to be written
      format - the format in which the output image is to be written
      ImagingException - in the event of a format violation, unsupported image format, etc.
      IOException - in the event of an unrecoverable I/O exception.
      See Also:
    • writeImageToBytes

      public static byte[] writeImageToBytes(BufferedImage src, ImageFormat format) throws ImagingException, IOException
      Writes the content of a BufferedImage to a byte array using the specified image format.

      Image writing is not supported for all graphics formats. For the most recent information on support for specific formats, refer to Format Support at the main project development web site. While the Apache Commons Imaging package does not fully support all formats, it can read image info, metadata and ICC profiles from all image formats that provide this data.

      src - a valid BufferedImage object
      format - the format in which the output image is to be written
      if successful, a valid array of bytes.
      ImagingException - in the event of a format violation, unsupported image format, etc.
      IOException - in the event of an unrecoverable I/O exception.
      See Also: